
The methodology used in this platform to track the progress of countries across the world towards achieving the United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 SDGs includes the followings:

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When ranking a country’s Voluntary National Review (VNR) to determine its progress  to achieving the 17 SDGs, we use two equations which were created with the intention of ranking countries progress to achieve the 17SDGs. In doing so, we aim at determining the  country’s efficacy and  progress of achieving the SDGs by allocating the score from 0-5 for each SDG as follows:

  • 0 (No progress made at all to achieve SDG no data is recorded in the country’s VNR)
  • 1 (severely off-track with very little progress made to achieving the SDG)
  • 2 ( Off-track with limited progress made and minimal improvements).
  • 3 (Moderately off-track to achieving SDG but challenges remain).
  • 4 (On-track with noticeable progress but not yet fully achieved).
  • 5 (Achieved the SDG while maintaining the performance)

Each SDG will be assigned a score with a grand total of 85 points the first equation will be the country’s total points achieved divided by 85 (17 multiply by the max score of 5). This equation gives the overall percentage progress toward achieving all the SDGs.

=  % progress towards achieving all the SDGs

The second equation used is the number of SDGs a country achieved from the total 17, so if a country scores a 4 or 5 that will be considered as an achieved a score of 4 will be considered achieved  due to the fact that the country has made considerable progress with achieving the SDG but still requires more action while 5 is considered a perfect score as the country has achieved the SDG and is now maintain the performance the values will then be divided by 17 due to the fact that there are 17 SDGs

 = % progress of achieved SDGs